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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Coupon Shopper's Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Couponing

Advantage Flyers- These are freely available in your Publix rounder.
They list the items that are on a month long sale. Be patient when you
see these, chances are coupons will be coming out for these items.
BOGO or B1G1- Buy one get one free.
Blinkies- Coupons that are available in the “blinking” automated
machines along grocery store aisles. Free for the taking.
Buy theirs, get ours free- Occasionally, Publix will offer a special incentive to buy a product by offering the identical product in the
Publix store brand to you free of charge.
Coupon Fraud- Unlawful use of a coupon.
Competitors- Who your store views as a competitor. Many Publix
locations accept other grocery stores as competitors, few recognize
drugstores as competitors.
Doubling- Publix, Winn Dixie and some other grocery stores will double your coupon up to .50 daily ($1.00) Some small stores allow for even greater savings.
ECB’s- Extra Care Bucks. This is CVS terminology.
Magic coupon machine- A red machine located in most CVS locations.
Great coupon source!
Manufacturer coupons- Coupons printed, distributed & reimbursed by the manufacturer of a product.
Match-ups- Combining a sale price with a coupon for the best possible price.
OOP- Out Of Pocket cost.
Overage- The $ you are allowed to “apply” to your total bill if the Q is greater that the price of the product.
Peelies- Peel off coupons that are usually attached to the front of a
product. Read carefully! Many peelies are void if not removed by the cashier.
Penny item- Special “secret product” that Publix gives away on Wednesday’s with minimum purchase ($10.00 before coupons) and the “penny item coupon” found in Wednesday’s paper.
PG- Proctor & Gamble (newspaper insert.)
Publix magazines- Grape, Green Wise, Baby Club, etc.
Q’s- Coupons.
Q Booklets- Coupon booklets. These can be found in many places, most often on your Publix rounder.
Rainchecks- A paper that can be obtained from customer service to ensure that you can purchase the product that is out of stock at a later date for the sale price.
Rebates- Mail in or online submission to receive all or a portion of the purchase price of a product.
Rite Aid Videos- Short commercials you can watch online to earn coupons.
Rounder- Revolving rack usually located just inside the front door.
Register Rewards- Walgreens “money“ in the form of manuf. Q‘s. These can be very useful,sometimes accepted in other stores.
RP- Red Plum (newspaper insert.)
SS- Smart Source (newspaper insert.)
Stacking- Using a manufacturer/store/competitor coupon together.
Stockpiling- Building a supply of products that your family can consume in 4-6 weeks.
Store coupons- Coupons that are printed and distributed by the store rather than the manufacturer.
Target Q generator- Resource that allows you to print store coupons from the Target website.
Tearpads- Coupons that are available in a “tear top” design.
When Q’s print as PDF‘s- This is a rare but joyous thing. They can be
saved to your computer as a file and printed as needed.

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