Guest author Jennifer, from
Happiness is Brilliant, here! Have you officially arrived when you are asked to do a guest post!? Really, this could be risky for Farrah. I'm beginning to wonder how well she truly knows me...Just kidding!
When Farrah first told me about using coupons last fall, I was pretty skeptical. She started telling me about things she had bought and how much she spent, then I got pretty excited! I kept thinking of all the fun things I could do with all that extra cash. Maybe I could even pay someone to clean my house and lie, er uh, I mean "pretend" I did it myself, hmmmm...
So when she held a class to teach others how to use coupons I was the first to sign up! I already had my list of fun-ness in my back pocket.
I was poised and ready. Ten minutes early, notepad and pen in hand, sitting front and center like a good student. Weekly manicure here I come!!
Well, Farrah's teaching wasn't quite in line with what I hoped to learn! She started using phrases such as, "The more we save, the more we have to give." And "when we have these nonperishable necessities on hand, it's ready for a family in need and God has still given us what our family needs."
What!? That doesn't sound fun.
And no, it doesn' first.
Until you do it.
I not so eagerly parted with some savings in the beginning, when God reminded me that yes, if you sow generously you will reap generously (2Cor 9:6), but God loves a
cheerful giver(2 Cor 9:7)! Hmmm...funny, I had always seen Farrah eagerly asking who or what organization could she give money or items away too. She always seemed so content and joyful about it!
So I kept practicing. But most importantly I kept - scratch that - I
keep praying. And Farrah kept on leading by example. Give, give, give.
And what do you know!? Turns out giving is way more fun! It takes the focus off of me me ME! It shows me what I do have instead of dwelling on what ( I think) I don't have. It proves that it is indeed waaaaay more better to give (Acts 20:35)!
I don't say all these things to boast about Farrah, I truly say them to boast in Christ - He really does what He says He'll do! Farrah is just obedient in willingly doing what she was called to do (like Paul, 1 Cor 9:17). She's hoping to encourage others and spur on a movement of giving.
Encouraging and helping others is one thing that I think led her to start this blog. Coupons and sales are regional, so even though we love our friend over at
Southern Savers sometimes we don't get the same stuff because she's two states away. This blog specifically helps our community, but she doesn't forget others with online only deals. And not to mention the encouragement that can come from knowing if a homeschooling mother of four with a newly self employed husband can save and give exceedingly - you can to!
Who knew God would do so much through coupons!