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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Upcoming Coupon Seminars

I have three more seminars coming up if anyone is interested. These will be the last ones that I offer for a while. As a homeschooling mom I think I get more excited than the kids do about having lazy days to play outside, swim and just have fun! If you want to attend any of these please just leave a comment telling me which you plan to attend and how many will be attending. I like to get a general idea of how many will be coming so that I have plenty of handouts.

North Highlands Baptist Church in Hueytown on March 11th at 6-8:30 pm.
Bethel Baptist Church in Pleasant Grove on May 17th from 6-8:30.

If you have ever considered starting, now is the time! Everyone is saving money with coupons and if you put just a little time into it you can save BIG. I will show you how to organize, make your lists, where to shop and when to shop. All you need to bring is a $5.00 cash donation to go toward the Master's Mission.

I hope to see you there!

February Saving/Spending Totals are in!

I went over my receipts and bank statements today to see what I spent in the stores this month. I didn't get it down to the dollar but I'm pretty close at $178.00 for the month. That includes all money spent on food, toiletries, and donations. We added about $120.00 worth of donations to our buckets this month. I probably spent $20.00 or less on those things. But believe me, it will make a difference in someone's life to have toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant and the basic things that we take for granted*. It was worth it to drive over to CVS to pick up those $0.25 items. It's a small effort that we can all do. Make an goal for your family in March to make giving to others a priority. I guarantee you'll be glad you did! :)

Okay! Now to my favorite part! What we saved/received in February...

1 $4.00 Ronzoni rebate when you purchase "Up" on dvd
1 $2.00 RiteAid rebate
1 $19.98 Proctor & Gamble Quench lotion rebate
$205.00 cash leftover from $100.00 weekly budget

Grand Total $230.98 Yay!

*Matthew 25:40 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'