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Friday, January 8, 2010

Wal-Mart, is it a necessity?

I've been pondering this question the last few days...and I think that after the past year, I can feel confident saying "no." For many, many years I jumped into the car and took off to Wal-Mart for everything from frozen vegetables to toothpaste to hosepipes and underwear. But I first noticed I had a choice when ALDI moved to town. Specifically, right next door to Wal-Mart. Then I realized that I could buy groceries elsewhere without upsetting my routine too terribly. As the months passed by with my mind being opened to options (and enjoying the freedom of not standing in line for an hour) more shops moved to our little town. Target and Publix opened their doors and my choices grew even more. Finally I feel confident knowing that the few things I wanted that ALDI didn't sell and Publix was to pricey for, I do have Target. I took the time to actually compare the prices on t-shirts, toys, dvd's and the like, and find that Target is a smart place to shop! Wal-Mart has been telling us they are "the low price leader" for so long I had begun to believe it without question!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not out to put Wal-Mart out of business, (like I could) but just to show you that, yes, we do have choices! My Sam's club membership renewal came this week. Now I'm trying to decide if I even need to bother?
I would love to hear any comments you may have!


  1. Have you done any price comparison with Sam's and the deals you get at Publix? My mom & I are both writing down prices at Sam's of things we often buy there and then I will compare it to your grocery price list. Things like shredded cheese, block cheese, bacon, block butter, paper towels, toilet tissue are going on by list to look at.

  2. No, I haven't. Long before I started couponing I felt that the prices of the things (bulk) at Sam's were more than I could afford. Now, I look at it differently. Because I buy everything name brand, with coupons and sales I believe that I am getting a much better deal at Publix or the drugstores. BUT, I could be proven wrong! Share with us, what you find. We are anxious to hear! :)

  3. I have been following your new blog and I am really impressed at how you have managed your budget so far and the topics you have chosen to share. Even if you were to blow the budget a little I would still be beyond impressed. The one thing you have not addressed is how/where/when you buy meat. Stocking up on toiletries and box stuff is great idea but I am not one to eat meat that has been in the freezer too long. Also, did you give yourself a big budget to start your stockpile? I usually buy two weeks worth but when the weeks are over it's gone.

  4. Two things:
    1. You won the Headsprouts contest over on my blog!! Please email me your email address and your snail mail address (bethanylebedz at gmail dot com). Congratulations!
    2. Yes, I totally think that WalMart is a necessity :-).

  5. Marianne,

    That's a great question about purchasing meat. I do "stockpile" meat also but usually use it within a month. Because of freshness and space. I simply can't keep pounds and pounds in my freezer. It doesn't seem practical (in my situation.) I do check out meat prices in the Publix ad and will buy on sale, having the butcher divide and repackage when needed. Put the butcher to work for you! At my Publix, they are great about reworking things to suit me and that helps a lot. A couple of weeks ago I had a sirloin tip roast ground & divided into 1 lb packages and I paid $2.00 per lb less than the already ground sirloin that was on display! It pays to watch the price per pound, then rethink that roast (or whatever cut it may be) to be the best for your family.
    As for my stockpiling budget, keep with your regular budget for the next 6 weeks, using coupons and shopping the deals as well as your standard purchases. By the end of that time frame, you should have gone through a complete sales cycle and be ready to start trimming your budget. Good luck!

  6. I'm with you Farrah!
    So glad you told me about your blog! I can't believe you have been blogging, for like, a day and you have more followers than me!! LOL

  7. I have also begun to think that Walmart is not a necessity! I do still have my Sam's card and I am also in the process of trying to decide which, if any, items are a better price at Sam's. So far, I only buy Electrosal tabs at Sam's when I am completely out and I have either missed the sales at Publix or there just haven't been any. I do still buy paper towels and toilet paper at Sam's, but have the prices in my phone so I check them against the ads. I am curious to see what other people find on these items.
